Saturday, September 17, 2016

Week 2...Yahoo!

Students worked hard generating ideas for their small moment stories.

M-Step results came home yesterday in student's backpacks.  They should have come home stapled, to be opened by a parent or guardian.  If you have any question about them, please let me know.

Students have been doing a great job of reading each night, and turning in math homework.  Please anticipate homework coming home every Tuesday and Thursday unless otherwise noted in agendas.  

Please don't forget to sign student agendas every day.  Feel free to use agendas as another way to communicate with me when needed.

Here is what we learned in 4th grade this past week:

Writing: I can generate ideas for personal narrative small moment stories by thinking of special people, special places, strong emotions, and turning points.  

Social Studies: I can think about economics and define: needs, wants, goods, services, consumers, producers.  

Math:  I can:
  • round and compare multi-digit numbers.
  • read, write, and model numbers to the thousands.
  • identify the place value of numbers to one million.
Reading: I can make surface and deep connections while reading.

Important Dates:
Friday, September 23rd: Color the Park: Gates open at 5pm for hotdogs, race starts at 6pm
Monday, September 26 - Friday, September 30th: 5th Grade can drive
Friday, September 30th: Popcorn Friday
Friday, October 14th: Early release, students released at 12:15pm

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