Friday, December 16, 2016

Snow Day, Holiday Program, and More!

Students did a wonderful job at the Holiday Program on Tuesday.  I was very proud to see how all of their hard work paid off!  


Math ReTest:  Our Unit 3 math retest for those who got a 1 or 2 in any of our standards will be on Tuesday.  We are taking time at school to reteach those concepts in small groups, but any studying at home would also be helpful.

Gingerbread House Time:  Will take place on Wednesday, December 21st at 10:00am.  Volunteers are welcome!

Classroom Holiday Party: Will be immediately following gingerbread house time around 10:45 - 11:40.  

Girls' Intramural Basketball:  Morning intramural basketball will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting in January.   Forms went home yesterday.  They are due on Monday.  

Here is what we learned in 4th grade this past week:
I can write an introductory paragraph that clearly states my opinion statement.  
I can write evidence paragraphs that support my opinion statement.

I can observe phases of the moon.
I can identify features of the moon.
I can compare the sun, earth, and moon.
I can tell the difference between revolution and rotation.  

I can practice dividing with different methods.
I can solve single and multi digit word problems using different operations.
I can use test taking strategies to review our division unit.

I can support the main ideas with key details from the text.
I can recognize and organize descriptive informational text.
I can recognize and organize chronological informational text.

Important Dates:
December 21st: Gingerbread house making and Classroom Holiday Party in the a.m.
December 22nd - January 2: Holiday Break; no school
January 3rd-9th: 5th Grade Can Drive
Januray 10th: Parent Club meeting at 9:00amJanuary 13th: Early release day; School ends at 12:15
January 20th: Popcorn Friday

More Program Photos:

Friday, December 9, 2016

Working Hard and Holiday Cheer

Donations Still Needed!
Our class  is going to be making miniature gingerbread houses. 
We are still in need of the following items: 
-cans of vanilla frosting (we really need these!)
-Christmas hard candies
-red and black licorice
-miniature candy canes
-necco wafers
-gummy lifesavers
-large lifesavers

 The last day for donations is Friday, December 16th. We will be making these houses in our classroom on December 21st at 10:00. Anyone who is available to help is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you are able to come in. It will be a morning full of fun!  


Math Test:  Our Unit 3 math test will be on Wednesday or Thursday.  I am hoping to send home a review on Tuesday.

Holiday Program Info: 
Tuesday, December 13th

Fellowship Reformed Church
6:30pm - K, 1st & 2nd
7:30pm - 3rd, 4th, 5th
** Students can come down to our the room at 7:15. Please do not send them down any earlier as there will not be supervision in the rooms until then. Students are to use the bathroom before they come to the room. Please also know that your student must be picked up by an adult after the program.

Gingerbread House Time:  Will take place on Wednesday, December 21st at 10:00am.  Volunteers are welcome!

Classroom Holiday Party: Will be immediately following gingerbread house time around 10:45 - 11:40.  If you volunteered to bring an item, I will send you a reminder as we get closer.

Here is what we learned in 4th grade this past week:
I can generate opinion essay topics by noticing things around me.
I can notice how opinion essays are organized.
I can organize my opinion essay with boxes and bullets.
I can think about transitional phrases that use parallel structure.

I can identify features of the sun.
I can identify features of the earth.
I can observe the phases of the moon.

I can practice dividing with different methods.
I can use estimation to check if my answer is reasonable.
I can figure out when to include zeroes in my quotient.
I can make sense of remainders.


I can determine the main idea by thinking about what is important.
I can support the main ideas with key details from the text.
I can determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
I can recognize and organize descriptive informational text.

Important Dates:
December 13th: Holiday Program at 7:30pm
December 16th: Popcorn Friday

December 21st: Gingerbread house making and Classroom Holiday Party in the a.m.
December 22nd - January 2: Holiday Break; no school
January 3rd-9th: 5th Grade Can Drive
January 13th: Early release day; School ends at 12:15

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Diving into December!

Donations Needed!
Our class  is going to be making miniature gingerbread houses. We are asking for the following items: small cinnamon candies, sprinkles of all colors, Christmas hard candies, skittles, m&ms, red and black licorice, miniature candy canes, miniature marshmallows, necco wafers, gumdrops, gummy lifesavers, large lifesavers, cans of vanilla frosting, and graham crackers. All donations need to be sent in by Friday, December 16th. We will be making these houses in our classroom on December 21st at 10:00. Anyone who is available to help is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you are able to come in. It will be a morning full of fun!  

The division we are currently working on is tricky!  We are using 2 methods that you may be unfamiliar with.  Here are some videos to help guide you in case your student needs help at home.

Division Methods (Links to help you understand):
Place Value Sections:
Expanded Notation:


Moon Project:  Students should be observing the moon and coloring their observations into their agendas each night.  At school we are checking our observations and labeling the phases of the moon.

Holiday Program Info: 

Tuesday, December 13th

Fellowship Reformed Church
6:30pm - K, 1st & 2nd
7:30pm - 3rd, 4th, 5th
** Students can come down to our the room at 7:15. Please do not send them down any earlier as there will not be supervision in the rooms until then. Students are to use the bathroom before they come to the room. Please also know that your student must be picked up by an adult after the program.

Gingerbread House Time:  Will take place on Wednesday, December 21st at 10:00am.  Volunteers are welcome!

Classroom Holiday Party: Will be immediately following gingerbread house time around 10:45 - 11:40.  If you volunteered to bring an item, I will send you a reminder as we get closer.

Here is what we learned in 4th grade this past week:
I can read essays and tell the big idea.
I can notice how mini-stories provide evidence of the big idea in essays.
I can write mini-stories.
I can generate big ideas.
I can turn big ideas into opinion statements.  

Social Studies:  
I can think about core democratic values and write about them:
  • Patriotism
  • Justice
I can review and recall core democratic values.

I can use the place value sections method to solve multidigit division problems.
I can use the expanded notation method to solve multidigit division problems.
I can use the digit by digit method to solve multidigit division problems.
I can solve division word problems using different methods.


I can review and notice non-fiction text features.
I can tap prior knowledge as I preview non-fiction texts.
I can preview and predict non-fiction texts.
I can paraphrase information by putting it into my own words.

Important Dates:
December 7: Parent Club Elf Factory
December 13th: Holiday Program at 7:30pm
December 21st: Gingerbread house making and Classroom Holiday Party in the a.m.

December 22-January 2 Holiday Break

Friday, November 18, 2016

Fabulous Fall

     We are fully into fall here in fourth grade.  That means crazy weather, Thanksgiving break, preparing for the Holiday music program, and digging deeper into our subject areas.  I think we are ready for all of it!  
     Please notice that a letter regarding our new division unit for math came home today.  According to feedback about our multiplication unit, families found the methods of multiplication a bit confusing.  I am hoping that the explanation of the methods that will be taught for division in the letter are helpful.  As always, thank you for your support at home!


Math Unit 2 Retest: Has been moved to Monday.  An optional review page was sent home.  Don't forget that students only retake sections on which they scored a 1 or 2. If your student scored all 3s, he/she does not have to retake the test. 

Holiday Program Info: 

Tuesday, December 13th
Fellowship Reformed Church
6:30pm - K, 1st & 2nd
7:30pm - 3rd, 4th, 5th

Thanksgiving Break: Starts next week!  Remember that we are off on Wednesday and come back on Monday (specific dates are below).

Here is what we learned in 4th grade this past week:
I can use what I have learned about narrative writing to complete a narrative piece from beginning to    
     end on my own. 
I can review opinion essay writing.    

Social Studies:  I can think about core democratic values and write about them:
  • Pursuit of Happiness
  • Common Good
  • Equality
  • Popular Sovereignty
I can evaluate my math assessment and make goals for learning.
I can review multiplication, rounding/estimation, place value, and explaining multiplication.
I can divide with remainders.
I can use multiplication patterns to divide with zeros.
I can use methods for dividing. 

I can pay attention to character's motivations and struggles.
I can notice recurring themes.
I can use motifs to lead to lasting thoughts.
I can read and answer questions about my reading.

Important Dates:
Wednesday, Nov. 23-25: Thanksgiving Break; No School
December 2nd: Early release
December 7: Parent Club Elf Factory
December 13th: Holiday Program at 7:30pm
December 21st: Classroom Holiday Party

Here are some pictures of our Thanksgiving opinion writing.  Students had to take the perspective of a turkey and write about why people should serve something other than turkey for Thanksgiving.  We will finish drafting them next week.


Friday, November 11, 2016

Whirlwind Weeks

     We are cruising right along in 4th grade.  These last 2 weeks have gone by quickly!  In that time we have celebrated Halloween, taken an assessment on Life Science, celebrated our Realistic Fiction writing unit with a "Campout Fort Party," and taken an assessment on Unit 2 for math.  Thanks to those who sent in flashlights (pictures of our celebration are below).  Trimester 1 is quickly coming to a close and Thanksgiving is right around the corner!

Here a a few reminders:

Report cards came home today in backpacks.  They should be sealed when they arrive in your hands.

Conferences are Monday and Wednesday!  I look forward to meeting with you.  

Here is what we learned in 4th grade this past week:
Writing: I can draft and publish my realistic fiction story.
Science:  I can review food chains and food webs.       
Social Studies:  I can think about core democratic values:
                             - truth
                             - individual rights
Math:  I can solve multi step word problems with multiplication.
             I can use methods to solve multiplication with numbers in the thousands.
             I can review multiplication multi-digit numbers with different methods.
Reading: I can:
                  -use precise words to describe my characters  
                  -search for patterns to push my thinking about characters
                  -keep theories in mind as I continue to read

Important Dates:
Monday, Nov. 7th - 18th: PE can drive
Monday, Nov. 14th: Parent teacher conferences
Wednesday, Nov. 16th: Parent teacher conferences
Friday, Nov. 18th: Popcorn Friday
Wednesday, Nov. 23-25: Thanksgiving Break; No School
December 2nd: Early release
December 7-8: Parent Club Elf Factory

Campout Fort Party Writing Celebration Pictures


Halloween Pictures


Friday, October 28, 2016

Feeling Great in Week 8

SNAP math:  Keep encouraging your student to work on those flashcards 3 times a night!

Halloween Parade:  If weather permits, we will be walking to the Laurels for our Halloween parade on Monday.  We will leave school around 1:00, walk down Park Ave. to Van Buren.  We will take a right on to Van Buren down to 36th.  Then will turn right on 36th Ave walking toward Curtis. Turn right onto Curtis which will take us back to school.  If you are interested in attending our parade we are asking parents to line the parade route rather than going in through the Laurels with us, as there is limited space.  If it does rain we will not be having an indoor parade. Teachers will have a rain plan for their individual classes.

Halloween Party:  Our classroom party will take place  on Monday from 2:40 - 3:35.  If you come for the parade, please know that we will be having recess and some class time with students only before the party starts at 2:40.  

School Assembly: We will have a whole school assembly on Friday.  Please send your student in his or her Color the Park shirt.

Here is what we learned in 4th grade this past week:
Writing: I can plan my realistic fiction story by:
                     -using description, action, thoughts/feelings, and dialogue to make my character come alive
                     -expanding the turning point
                     -writing a powerful ending with a strong line and/or circular ending
                I can draft my realistic fiction story.

Science:  I can tell the basic needs of plants for survival.
             I can tell the basic needs of animals for survival.
             I can build my vocabulary about the food chain.

Math:  I can use short cut (traditional) method to solve 1 by 2 digit multiplication.
             I can use these methods to solve 1 by 3 digit multiplication: place value sections, expanded      
                notation, algebraic, and short cut method.
             I can solve multiplication word problems that have extra, hidden, and too little information.
             I can use the area model to solve 2 by 2 digit multiplication.
Reading: I can:
                  -use a story mountain to understand each part of the story I am reading
                  -pay attention to character's actions to tell what kind of people they are.
                  -notice when characters act in surprising ways and consider what this reveal about them.
                  -step outside the of the story to help them grow ideas about the characters.    

Important Dates:
Monday, October 31st: Halloween parade at 1:00 and classroom party at 2:40
Friday, November 4th:  Better Together Assembly: students should wear color the park shirts
Friday, November 4th: Early release at 12:15. 
Tuesday, November 8th: Parent Club meeting at 9:00
Friday, November 11th: Report cards go home
Monday, November 14th and Wednesday, November 16th: Parent teacher conferences
Friday, November 18th: Popcorn Friday
November 23-25: Thanksgiving Break

Friday, October 21, 2016

Better Together and Bubbles (and Pizza and Popcorn)!

Check out our cool all-school picture!  We were able to pull this off on Thursday.  It is a great reminder of what we can accomplish when we work together!  I'm looking forward to living this out during this school year.  

Something memorable about this week was our science experiment.  We practiced using the scientific method this week by experimenting with bubbles.  We researched about bubbles, made a hypothesis, planned our experiment, executed our plan, studied our results, and made conclusions.  The whole process was informative and fun (a great combo!).  

SNAP math:  Keep encouraging your student to work on those flashcards!

Conference Confirmation Forms:  These have times for conferences and came home today in backpacks.  Please sign them and send them back in.

Halloween Parade:  If weather permits, we will be walking to the Laurels for our Halloween parade on the 31st.  We will leave school around 1:00, walk down Park Ave. to Van Buren.  We will take a right on to Van Buren down to 36th.  Then will turn right on 36th Ave walking toward Curtis. Turn right onto Curtis which will take us back to school.  If you are interested in attending our parade we are asking parents to line the parade route rather than going in through the Laurels with us, as there is limited space.  If it does rain we will not be having an indoor parade. Teachers will have a rain plan for their individual classes.

Halloween Party:  Our classroom party will take place from 2:40 - 3:35.  If you volunteered to help out, I will be contacting you soon.

Scholastic BookClub orders:  Orders for October are due on Thursday, October 27.

Here is what we learned in 4th grade this past week:
Writing: I can plan my realistic fiction story by:
                     -creating believable characters
                     -creating believable conflict and resolution
                     -building a story mountain to plan 
                     -creating a strong lead for my story

Science:  I can use the steps of the scientific method to perform an experiment about bubbles.
Math:  I can solve word problems with multiplication.
             I can use estimation to check my answers.
             I can use different methods to solve multiplication including: place value sections, expanded      
               notation, and algebraic notation.
Reading: I can:
                  -revise mental images of characters to learn new information     
                  -use empathy for characters to make predictions 
                  -predict not only what will happen, but how it will happen

Important Dates:
Tuesday, October 25th:  Turkey Trot at 4pm
Thursday, October 27th: Skating party at 6:30pm 
Monday, October 31st: Halloween parade and classroom party
Friday, November 4th: Early release at 12:15. 

Pizza Party Pics!